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    West Virginia University

    手机加速器免费版全部加- 烧饼哥加速器

    Updated at: Thursday Jul. 30, 2024 at 10:38 PM

    手机加速器免费版全部加- 烧饼哥加速器

    Updated at: Thursday Jul. 30, 2024 at 10:33 PM by: Zac Carrier

    This is a test of the WVU Tech Emergency Alert system. There is no current emergency.

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    This site is intended to inform the WVU Tech community about emergencies occurring on the Beckley campus. In the event of an emergency:

    1. Up-to-date information will be posted on this web page.
    2. The University also will communicate with employees and students via messages to official WVU Tech email addresses.
    3. Information will be provided to media outlets.

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    In the event of an emergency please follow these steps:

    1. Call 911 (9-911 from campus phones) for any situation that requires immediate police, fire, or medical response to preserve life or property.
    2. University Police may be reached at (304) 929-2677
    3. Submit an emergency through the LiveSafe App.

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    • 911
    • University Police: 304.929.2677 (COPS)
    • University Police Mobile: 304.575.8998
    • Beckley City Police: 304.256.1720
    • Environmental Health and Safety: 304.293.3792
    • Parents Club Hotline: 800.988.0096
    • WVU Tech Student Health Services 304.929.1241
    • WVU Tech 24 Hour Counseling Hotline 304.292.1237

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    In the event of emergencies involving WVU Tech students, students and parents should contact the Dean of Students Office at 304.929.1232.

    If the emergency occurs outside normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:15 am – 4:45 pm), please call University Police at 304.929.2677 (COPS) where someone is on duty 24 hours a day.

    Additional Resources

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    • Current Weather Conditions
    • WV Road Conditions
    • WVU MIX
    • WVUToday News
    • Current WVU Tech News

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    • Beckley-Raleigh County Emergency Services
    • Raleigh County Health Department
    • WV Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
    • US Department of Homeland Security

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    • American Red Cross
    • 云帆加速安卓版
    • FEMA
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